That was confirmed Monday, when People and TMZ reported that the actor, who was born and raised in Oakland, was engaged to Tom Holland. Zendaya attended the Golden Globes with what appeared to be an engagement ring on her finger, sparking a flurry of online speculation. The news arrives after a career-defining year for Zendaya, who reached even greater heights of commercial and critical success with her starring roles in “Dune: Part Two” and “Challengers.”
As a fictional tennis coach, Zendaya juggled trysts with two professional athletes. But off-screen, the actor has no more Challengers to speak of, at least romantically.
Zendaya and Holland met on the set of “Spider-Man: Homecoming.” Although Zendaya and Holland’s franchise is marked by an absence of upside-down kiss scenes, their relationship seems stronger for it; with their engagement, the pair could easily claim the title of the most enduring “Spider-Man” couple. Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, who played Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson in the Sam Raimi “Spider-Man” films, dated for around a year before their break-up senses started tingling. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, whose two “The Amazing Spider-Man” films are unfairly maligned on Letterboxd, were entangled in each other’s web for four years.
Hailing from Oakland, Zendaya got her start acting at the California Shakespeare Theater in Orinda. When that venue was at risk of shutting down last year, she donated $100,000 to save it. In 2024’s whirlwind of celebrity look-alike contests, Oakland answered New York’s Timothée Chalamet-themed gathering with a Zendaya look-alike contest.